Sunday, February 1, 2009

AFS SH 09/10 Orientation Camp

I'm writing this post in the middle of the night on my German roommates laptop while volunteering at his orientation camp. I'm so happy that I was chosen to volunteer at this camp. It's been a lot more stressful than I thought. Nevertheless, I've still had a great time so far. It's really nice to be able to meet the AFS'ers that just arrived in Malaysia this week. There are 30 of them, 12 Germans, 2 Frenchmen, 1 Finn, 1 Swiss, 1 Belgian, 1 Costa Rican, 3 Argentines, 2 Aussies, and 7 Japs. I really hope that they will have a great time here in Malaysia and that their AFS year will turn out to be one of the best experiences of their lives. Unfortunately, I can't think of anything more to write because I'm so tired. Was up chatting with 1 of my German roommates. He's from Münster. I visited Münster when I was in Germany. It's quite a nice city. The cathedral is quite big and nice. Built in late romanesque style if I'm right. My roommate is going to Kemaman. Hope he likes it there. That's all for now though as I really need to catch up on my sleep. One last thing, I wish everyone out there a Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year! Xin Nian Kuai Le Xin Xiang Shi Cheng!


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