Saturday, February 28, 2009

MUET Essay

Since this blog has not been updated in a while and I am unfortunately too busy to think of original posts to post, I'll just post an esssay I wrote a while back for MUET, just so this blog does not remain dead. The essay is about university education.

In this day and age, the costs of a university education has increased significantly. This has led many to question whether or not it is still economically viable to procure a university education. Apart from that, many also question whether or not a university education is still relevant in todays rapidly changing world in view of the large numbers of jobless graduates out there. Thus there are many who would now rather forgo a university education and enter the job market right after leaving school. I however strongly believe that a university education remains important and relevant in today's world.

I believe that a university education is an important part of one's educational journey. There are several reasons why I believe so. Firstly, universities are temples of learning and scholarship. They provide students with a learning environment unlike any other. A university education can allow students to increase their knowledge in ways they never could elsewhere. For example, many universities are also centres of research and new discoveries are being made all the time. A student could gain much from interactions with working researchers and would learn much more than if they just studied textbooks at home.

Apart from increasing one's knowledge, a university education also helps students to significantly increase their intellectual ability. Through the process of seeking knowledge at university, students will be able to develop their critical thinking skills and reasoning abilities.They will also become independent learners. A university education will also help deepen students love of learning and knowledge. They will also realise that education is not merely a means to an end but has its own intrinsic value and beauty.

At university, students will also come into contact with people from various backgrounds. They will be able to make new friends and develop a social network that will be advantageous in future. Through interactions with foreign students at their respective universities, they will develop greater intercultural understanding. Students will develop a greater understanding of the common humanity of all men, as they are all united by their desire for knowledge. Thus a university education will greatly improve one's interpersonal skills.

Apart from that, a university education also helps students to become more independent and mature and learn various soft skills such as leadership and problem solving skills. They can do so through participation in various non-academic activities on campus.

In conclusion, a university education is still very important in today's world. I strongly believe that a university education will continue to remain relevant to society as it has always been throughout much of human history.

That's about it for this post. It's not a very good essay though please feel free to comment on it or to point out mistakes I made. Hope that it was a mildly interesting read for everyone.


tien mie said...

:) heyhey. tienmie hre :P same yr as farhanna who handed u the head prefect post.
i think this essay is pretty good ! :) got substance :P maybe a small hitch of grammatical errors but its good !
All the best for STPM this year. I'm going for Form6 as well. -_____-
But arts.

good luck!

Senhor Diferente said...

Hey Tien Mie,

Thanks for the comment :) Nice to hear that you'll be going for Form 6 as well. Which school are you planning to enrol in? Would be nice if you came back to SMK BU. All the best to you for Form 6 too! You should start preparing for STPM as early as possible and not wait like me :P Ciao.